Fixing the Engine of Justice: Diagnosis and Repair of Our Jury System, the jury book that provides the answer for anyone who ever asked, “Why do we get such crazy verdicts?” After identifying problems with the American jury system, it recommends solutions for each. It is ideal not just for attorneys and law school students, but for readers of serious non-fiction.
This jury book explains:
- Problems created by inadequate public representation
- Juror competency
- Juror bias and misconduct
- The importance of jury “duty” vs. “right”
- The origins of our jury system
- Key Supreme Court cases
The second half of the book provides solutions to each of the problems identified in the first half, plus;
- Issues with judicial power
- Lawyer conduct in trials
- Issues with expert witnesses
16-years in the writing, the book incorporates not only the experiences of author David Tunno, one of the countries premier jury consultants since 1989, but extensive research into case histories, including Supreme Court cases.
Unlike many works on the subject, the reader will find Fixing the Engine of Justice to be refreshing, entertaining and even humorous. As professional reviewers have noted, many of David Tunno’s solutions to the problems with the jury system are the result of “out-of-the-box” thinking.